The 2023 “Banking Crisis”
The banking stress that started with the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) in early March 2023 is a powerful reminder of the consequences for the financial system when trust in the banking sector evaporates. While immediate consequences have been addressed, the underlying issues remain and are relevant for banks both in the US as well as in Europe. Here, I provide a collection of media and TV interviews, shorter policy notes as well as academic papers that I have written with various co-authors as a source of information about causes and consequences of the recent banking sector stress.
Media and TV
I provide links to selected quotes and interviews in the print media and on TV.
Policy Briefs
I provide links to shorter notes and policy briefs I have written on this topic.
Academic articles
I provide links to academic papers me and my co-authors have written on this topic.
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+49 (69) 154008-794
Adickesallee 32-34
60322 Frankfurt, Germany